Thursday, November 12, 2009

Self Expression – Encounter with self

I am trying to be perfect, I feel by being perfect, I can prove myself. The other thing which I have noticed about myself is that I am very sensitive & self-conscious. I understand that I have certain self doubts about myself too, which comes on surface, whenever related button is triggered by someone – knowingly or unknowingly.

Because of my past painful experiences when I was not secured and was in helplessness situations, I adopted a strategy to dealt with that kind of difficult situations; the strategy to make myself aloof, untouched by circumstances. Simply ignore, avoid the reality, the difficult situation, the challenge and engage myself somewhere else.

I even create a world of my own, which is not based on reality but on my perceptions, the perceptions which give me pleasure, satisfaction & fulfillment.

Whenever chances come to prove that perception, that perceived world of my own; I am always under lot of pressure and again try to do anything, everything to avoid these challenges.

I feel very comfortable myself inside my self built castle, I am happy that I have so much of potential and related qualities in myself. Although I never try to challenge or check that potential or qualities in real world. I don’t want to do that because I fear if that potential or qualities will prove non-existing in myself, it will difficult for me to accept that as that will shake my perceived identity.

However I always use to take token actions, by which I can show myself and the world that I am actually working on my potential, on my qualities.

But inside somewhere, I know I am making myself fool. Again, however I make every effort to avoid, suppress this knowledge, so that I can be happy in my self created world.