What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotions are the basic guiding factors of our life. They are the messaging system provided by nature to us for our survival.
When we feel good, it indicates that we are in line with our belief systems, with our values & our wishes.
When we feel bad, it indicates that we are offline and needs to take some actions.
On the other end Thoughts are the logical & factual information created by our mind.
Too much rely either on emotions or thoughts may be counterproductive and hence it is essential to have balance between both of them.
This skill of balancing between emotions & thoughts is popularly known as Emotional Intelligence.
Why choose to develop Emotional Intelligence? or Why should I learn emotional intelligence? or How emotional intelligence is helpful in daily life?
This is an easy one to answer because EQ can help you in improving quality in almost every areas of your life. For example, it helps you in all your working relationships, whether personal or professional.
High EQ will help you to focus, so that your performance will manifold. EQ will help you in conflict resolution, in goal setting, in team making, in impulse control and so many other things in your life.
Basically EQ creates the difference, high EQ means a better, healthier, happier and successful life; on the other hand, low EQ ensures a bitter, unhealthy, problematic and broken life.
Although you can be born with a particular temperament or EQ skill level yet you can improve it at any age.
Having high EQ makes you a superior performer. This is shown clearly by the research on performance and EQ.
People with high EQ are optimistic and realistic. They tend to envisage good outcomes, which they then make happen.
People with high EQ are far less likely to suffer badly from stress-related illnesses or depression.
Why should I have emotions at first place, when they create problems in my life? or Emotions are painful, better I should not have them, how can they be helpful for me?
It is not the emotions, which creates problems for us, it is the responses we choose, which creates the problems for us.
In fact emotions are neither good nor bad. Based on our earlier experience with them, we label them good or bad, i.e. if experience is good; we label them good or otherwise label them bad.
The pain associates with so-called bad emotions motivate us to avoid / ignore the emotions at first place itself. It is always counterproductive to avoid / ignore the painful emotions as it is again a proven fact of our life that whatever we try to ignore or avoid, catches our attention more predominately.
So what is the solution, solution is to learn new skills so that we can be able to manage our emotions effectively. The skill of managing our emotions effectively is popularly known as emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence teaches us not to fear, ignore or avoid our emotions and develop our understanding about them.
Emotions cloud my thoughts and make straight thinking difficult; it is evident from my life experiences that without emotions I do able to make better decisions.
It is very well true that aroused emotions creates havoc and make it difficult to focus on anything. It is because of lack of our understanding about our emotions. If we change our approach of handling them, they will less problematic for us, in fact they will turn to be an excellent guide to turn our life more happy & successful.
How? By learning & applying Emotional Intelligence, which is basically a skill to learn effective management of our emotions!
Ignoring emotions while taking decision is not only counterproductive but potentially harmful too in longer run.
I don't want to be emotional, I feel emotional people are weaker.
Emotions do not make us weaker. It is our surrender to them, which makes us weaker.
What you do normally? Either you try to ignore or avoid emotions and completely rely on logic & thoughts OR you surrender to emotions which make it difficult for you to think logically.
Being emotional makes a person illogical; on the other hand pure logical person also misses the colours of the life. Emotions like Happiness, Joy,
Motivation makes our life enjoyable and without them neither we can be happy nor successful!
The life without happiness, joy and positive emotions does not have any meaning, no matter how much successful you are! It is not possible to avoid Negative Emotions and only allow Positive Emotions, when you switched off yourself for Negative Emotions, all kinds of Positive Emotions are also eluded from your life.
The only solution is to learn to handle & manage your negative emotions (which is basically a part of Emotional Intelligence Skill). By learning and applying Emotional Intelligence Skill in your life, you will be not only stronger but effective, happy & successful too.
All the successful people & bosses are rational thinkers; being professional means one should be strong and not be emotional.
Being emotional creates a picture of a person who is helpless & ineffective, who cannot think properly and who is going with emotions only. On the other hand, being logical means a person without emotions and who acts like a robot.
In our professional life also the role of Creativity, Gut Feelings and Sixth sense is very crucial; it is impossible to take decisions merely on facts & logics.
All the successful people & bosses may looks rational thinkers on the surface, but unless they do not take decisions which are balanced emotionally as well as logically, it is impossible to get results in line with the desired effects.
It is evident in our society that all kind of problems starts with emotions itself.
It is very famous belief of society that money is behind all the evils. But a layman also knows that it is not money but the way one uses money creates all kind of problems.
Similarly it is not emotions but how we tackle, how we handle them which makes a difference.
By using money in constructive way we can get positive results, in similar way, we can get positive results by managing our emotions too. Just like Money, having emotions as well as knowing how to handle them is essential for our life.
When I sad or anxious or hurt, I feel something is wrong with me, emotions make me feel like failure.
The perception to associate ourselves with our emotions creates self doubts. When we have headache, itching or indigestion, we never feel anything wrong with ourselves, then how a painful emotion makes us wrong, bad or failure.
It is not painful emotion, but our response to them, makes us feel failure. By learning Emotional Intelligence skill, we can learn how to respond them and thus can be more happy & successful in our life.
All the strong persons do not have emotions; I don't want to be weak.
No one can be strong by avoiding or ignoring emotions. In fact it is our weakness in handling and managing our emotions, which prompt us to ignore or avoid our emotions.
We can be strong in true sense, only when we able to handle our emotions effectively. Emotions do not make us weaker. It is our surrender to them, which makes us weaker.
What you do normally - Either you try to ignore or avoid emotions and completely rely on logic & thoughts OR you surrender to emotions which make it difficult for you to think logically.
Being emotional makes a person illogical; on the other hand pure logical person also misses the colors of the life. Emotions like Happiness, Joy, Motivation makes our life enjoyable and without them neither we can be happy nor successful!
The life without happiness, joy and positive emotions does not have any meaning, no matter how much successful you are! It is not possible to avoid Negative Emotions and only allow Positive Emotions, when you switched off yourself for Negative Emotions, all kinds of Positive Emotions are also eluded from your life.
The only solution is to learn to handle & manage your negative emotions (which is basically a part of Emotional Intelligence Skill). By learning and applying Emotional Intelligence Skill in your life, you will be not only stronger but effective, happy & successful too.
I am a male; emotions are characteristics of famine personalities.
It is found that males are equally emotional. The only difference is the approach towards emotions. While male hide their emotions and try to project them as stronger, females are more open to express the emotions.
This perception of being stronger by hiding emotions, makes male rather weaker from inside. It is evident from the diseases related to suppressing emotions i.e. Hyper Tension (High Blood Pressure) & Heart Attacks, which are more common in males than females.
Instead of showing fake strength by hiding, avoiding and ignoring the emotions and make yourself prone to diseases like Hyper Tension (High Blood Pressure) and Heart Attacks it is better to learn new skill, which makes you enable to handle and manage your emotions effectively.
Emotional Intelligence Skill will make you more powerful, you will be able to handle and manage your emotions effectively, and in fact emotions do start working in your favor instead of creating all sorts of problems in your life. You do not need to avoid, hide or ignore your emotions anymore and your life will be more effective, enjoyable, happier and successful too.
Being emotional is a nature of individual, how it can be changed?
What we do label as nature is basically emotional management skill level. Although you can be born with a particular temperament or EQ skill level yet you can improve it at any age.
Emotional Intelligence is a skill and like any other skill, it can be developed by practice under proper guidance.
By birth I am sensitive like that, I feel god make me like that, and that is my fate.
We do not skilled in everything by birth; we learn walking, eating, running, riding bicycle and so many other skills by practice under proper guidance.
We spent years to learn different intellectual skills in schools, colleges and other institutes. Managing emotions is also a skill which can be developed by practice under proper guidance.
Everything is so hurting; there is no meaning in trying to change. Failures make me miserable.
There is a very famous Lao Tzu saying "Change direction or you may end up where you're heading!" There is only one way to arise above your suffering, which is to act differently & constructively.
It is destined, I have to bear all these, and I can't do anything.
There is no accurate way to know our destiny. Our failures, which are basically due to lack of our skills, demoralized us to try further.
It is a vicious circle which is, in order to live a happy & successful life, essential to break. The best way to create happiness & success in life is to learn Emotional Intelligence Skill.
How emotional intelligence is helpful in married life?
The major reason behind any failed marriage is emotions only. It is lack of empathy, intimacy & lack of emotional bonding which make it difficult to understand the partner and in turn create the differences between partners which eventually turn into the separation.
Even if it does not go up to the extent of separation, it creates unhappiness, dissatisfaction & resentment in life which is very painful.
The Emotional Intelligence Skill empowers partners to be more empathetic & better listener, which develops the understanding, intimacy & emotional bonding between partners, which are the foundation of any happy & successful marriage!
We do not get any training about these issues before marriage and whatever we learnt is purely based upon role modeling we have from our parents and other senior married couples, which is not always appropriate & sufficient for our case.
Every person is unique and we cannot blindly apply others experience in our married life, if we do, we will get definite counterproductive results.
The best solution is to learn Emotional Intelligence Skills, which will not only ensure a happy & successful life but in addition will make a positive difference in every areas of your life.
How emotional intelligence is helpful for kids?
It helps them to learn effectively, increased their focus level, help in generating self respect, which is a deciding factor for self confidence and in turn their success & happiness for their entire life.
EQ skilled kids are able to deal with problems & conflict effectively, they have better relation with peers, classmates, family members and with teachers too.
Emotional intelligence makes kids happy, successful & effective in their studies as well as in their life too.
How emotional intelligence is helpful for society?
Emotional Intelligence helps individuals to understand & manage their emotions effectively. The output - a better self image, efficient conflict resolution ability, empathy, better focus, ability to work in team environment etc. etc.
Just imagine, what an emotionally intelligent society will be - less conflicts, less tensions, fewer fractions and more empathy, mutual helpfulness, respect for each other- a happy, efficient & effective society.
If only I will be successful, I can create anything and make my life fulfilled.
We think that the life fulfillment & happiness is come through our success. Up to some extent it is true, but what we easily ignore is the fact that success always goes with the persons who are focused & devoted towards their goals.
Unless we are not able to manage our emotions, we will not be able to set our goal properly as well as we can't focus & devoted towards our goals.
It is also a fact that the people, who think that their happiness is related to their success, cannot be happy, as their definition of success always goes up with the time & their achievements. Happiness, fulfillment and the so called success do not have any relation.
In fact it is other way around that the more you are fulfilled & happy in your life, the chances of success is more for you.
We can't make or create anything significant, I do hard work for my goals but after achieving goals I could not happy with them and feel that something is wrong with me, nothing in this world make me happy.
The issue of significance comes from 'the happiness comes from the success' trap. We always pursue the things in order to make us happy by achieving them. It is an undisputed fact that, you cannot be happy through any kind of achievement, because happiness is related to your inside state and not to your outer world.
This misconception is manifold by the belief that if we cannot be happy by our achievement (which is obvious) is a sign that something is wrong with us.
Emotional Intelligence Skill enlightens us to deal with these kinds of dilemmas.
How can I develop emotional intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence is a skill and like any other skill, it can be developed by practice under proper guidance.
If you have any additional question, you may contact me on +91 97520 33200 or email us on info@amoghfoundation.org or you can use the form on our website at http://www.amoghfoundation.org/activityzone.html to ask your question.
I am eagerly waiting for your inputs & feedback.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Emotional Intelligence Skill Assessment Test

The other 80% factors govern by a skill known as Emotional Intelligence, which is a skill associates with the emotional management.
We all witness by ourselves every day that emotions shape the path of our lives and influence our decision-making. Our emotional actions and reactions affect choices we made, & result we get in return. Our emotions & our capability to handle them defines who we are and decide how we live our life. Having control over our emotions enables us to pursue and achieve our goals.
What is ‘Emotional Intelligence’?
First made popular by Daniel Goleman through his book, Emotional Intelligence. The concept has heavily influenced the world to understand emotional development and its effects on one’s success. ‘Emotional Intelligence’ refers to our intelligence related to our emotional management.
It is found that our emotions are controlled by a specific part in our brain, known as amygdale, on the other hand all the logical thinking is handled by Neocortex, the thinking part of the brain. When both are in proper harmony, they enrich our life, if any one of them is ignored on the cost of other, an imbalance is occurred in the life.
How we learn ‘Emotional Intelligence’?
This skill of balancing or making harmony or emotional intelligence is usually developed through proper role modeling and mentoring by parents, teachers & guardians. It is also found that only 36% of population is emotional intelligence skilled.
Although a good news is that the emotional intelligence can be developed considerably if practice under proper guidance. The first step toward development is to know the present condition and find out the areas where the changes are required.
The ‘Emotional Intelligence Skill Assessment’ Test
The following Emotional Intelligence Test rates your ability to regulate your emotions in a healthy and balanced manner. After completion of the test, you have to send us results by email or by post/courier. Please note that it is not an automated test, where results can be obtained automatically by some program itself. This test is designed in such a way that the different results will be obtained with different participants depending on their age, social, religion & economical group and need personal attention while calculating the score.
Regarding result, you have two options; either you can get your greatest emotional strength and weakness absolutely free of cost or you can purchase a detailed evaluation of your aptitude in each emotional category as described in following pages at a very nominal price. Awareness of your emotional abilities allows you to improve your emotional intelligence and live a happier, more balanced lifestyle.
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